August Day of Caring - Mural Updates Continue in Local Parks
August 28, 2020 - Utica, NY-
United Way of the Mohawk Valley (United Way MV) and Empower FCU partnered to host a Day of Caring in Utica. Volunteers from Empower FCU and community members took time Thursday morning to spruce up another mural at Pixley Park, which United Way Volunteers originally painted in 2015.
The mural has since been damaged by age and graffiti. Volunteers worked to give this mural a fresh look while keeping the original artwork intact. Volunteers will also cover this artwork with anti-graffiti coating to help sustain the artwork for years to come.
"Empower Federal Credit Union is pleased to partner with the United Way of the Mohawk Valley in the revitalization and beautification of the City of Utica," stated Mary Wilson, Empower FCU's VP of Communications and Marketing.
With the current pandemic, United Way’s Day of Caring projects are a great way for volunteers to help create a welcoming outdoor space in local parks for the community to enjoy.
“Volunteers are so important to United Way and the non-profit community,” stated Kristyn Bucciero Beckwith, United Way MV’s Director of Marketing & Communications. “Between Empower FCU’s sponsorship and staff, plus the volunteers who signed up to help using our brand-new ‘Volunteers United’ platform, we were able to bring this piece of art in a local park back to life.”
Volunteers looking to get involved in community and non-profit projects can now visit United Way’s Volunteer United platform sponsored by BME and Hummel's Office Plus at to search and be alerted to opportunities.